The City - an element of a solidary world?

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The City – an element of a solidary world?


5 July 2021, 16:00


GDD stage


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When talking about the city, we often refer to statistics. In the 21st century, we have reached the point where half of the world's people live in cities. It is estimated that this result will soon reach 80%. It seems, however, that the numbers direct the reflections about the city on the wrong track. Another trap is the terminology.

The definition of a city is extremely broad. These are both metropolises of millions and small towns. It is also troublesome to define city boundaries. It sometimes happens that urban areas are included in rural areas. One thing is certain – cities are the driving force behind development. But a train without carriages makes no sense, and neither will urban development fail without taking into account the needs of rural and rural areas. As emphasized by Elisa Ferreira – European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reform – during the first conference of the New European Bauhaus, this project cannot be elitist, because for its universal acceptance it is necessary to take into account the point of view of people from different parts of the world and different social classes.

The event is in line with the assumptions of the New European Bauhaus initiative.



Hubert Trammer

Hubert Trammer

Architect. Participant of the Round Table of the New European Buahaus. Associate of the National Institute of Architecture and Town Planning. Teacher at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the Lublin University of Technology. Judge of architectural competitions.Nominating expert for the 2015, 2019 and 2022 editions of the European Union Architecture Award. Ludwig Mies van der Rohe...

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