Beyond Human Centered Design. Is Planet Centric Design the solution? [en]

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Beyond Human Centered Design. Is Planet Centric Design the solution? [en]


4 July 2021, 17:00


GDD stage


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Human Centered Design has been a huge success. It transformed the ways we live and work today. However, the better we understand humans, the more we keep optimizing for their benefits alone. Or worse, we use this understanding to change their behavior to buy more they don’t really need. No wonder we are now increasingly witnessing the undesirable outcomes and emissions of such an egocentric perspective.

Planet Centric Design evolves the dominant human-centered approach by shifting perspective. It no longer privileges humans but treats them as equal to planetary stakeholders like oceans, animals and communities. These stakeholders provide the foundation on which us humans thrive, but they don’t show up in most design processes. We are about to change this.

In this session, we will discover how we can move our design practices towards planet centric design. We will discuss how designers, creators, architects and citizens can include planet-centric methods and evolve their existing work to move from egoism to ecosystems.



Samuel Huber

Samuel Huber

The Strategy Director at global design firm Goodpatch. His studies in sociology, economy, management and design led him to the Universities of Zurich, St. Gallen and all the way to Stanford and Tokyo.He was a founding member of UBS Y, a future think tank, worked in a New York art gallery, focused on development economics with Biovision and now enjoys his work in interdisciplinary teams to conceptu...

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