
Anna Augustyniak

Anna Augustyniak

Journalist, poet, author of radio reports. A graduate of Polish Philology at the University of Warsaw, the Melchior Wańkowicz School of Journalism, and PhD studies at the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

She has published her works in Tygodnik Powszechny, Znak, Nowe Książki, Kultura Liberalna, Twórczość, Odra and Zeszyty Literackie. She is the author of biographies of Irena Tuwim (Irena Tuwim. Nie umarłam z miłości) and Antoni Sobański (Hrabia, literat, dandys. Rzecz o Antonim Sobańskim), as well as the novel Kochałam, kiedy odeszła (Wydawnictwo Nisza, 2013). She is also the author of poetry volumes Without You (One World 2014), Thanks to God (WBPiCAK 2017). In 2020, the Słowo/obraz Territory publishing house published her latest book of poetry, Between Us Animals, which focuses on violations of animal rights and questions about interspecies solidarity.
